Friendship Christian School

No classes are being held at this location. Students who attend this school may take the class over at  Raleigh Christian Academy.  

Thank you for your interest in the Wake County Schools Driver Education program, operated by Jordan Driving School, Inc. Below you will find dates, times, locations, and an indication if the class is still taking registrations.

The guidelines to register for Driver Education are as follows:

  • Read the entire registration page to make sure you meet the eligibility criteria for Driver Education and understand the registration process. Dates are subject to change.
  • Students are only allowed to take the class at the high school they attend or the designated location as determined by Jordan Driving School if classes are not held at their school. For example, if you attend a private/charter school, you may take it at your “base” public high school only. Rising 9th graders should take the program at the high school they will attend next school year. 
  • Students must be at least 14.5 years of age on or before the first day of class to be eligible to register. Registration is open to students on a first come first service basis. 
  • Submit the form to the Lead Teacher. The form should be scanned and emailed directly to the Lead Teacher. You will find a list of Lead Teacher’s Contact Information, including email address and phone number, by clicking HERE. Jordan Driving School employs a Lead Teacher at each school who is responsible for assigning students to Driver Education classes at their school.
  • Once the Lead Teacher has compiled the registration forms for class, you will be contacted by email to verify which class you were assigned to. Once you receive this notification, you must pay your Driver Education fee to confirm your seat in the class. Paying online through the WCPSS credit card terminal is our preferred method of payment. Once you pay online through the WCPSS online payment, a notification email is sent to the Lead Teacher of that school which will verify your payment. You will also receive an email from the WCPSS credit card terminal confirming your payment. If you cannot pay by credit card, you may pay by money order, cashier’s check or cash (exact change only) by mailing in the payment to our administrative office location in Garner. Personal checks are not accepted. Money orders/Cashier’s Checks should be made payable to “Jordan Driving School.” Our office contact information can be found HERE.
  • In the State of North Carolina, there is a $65 fee to enroll in Driver Education class. This fee paid by parents covers only the classroom portion of Driver Education. In the State of North Carolina, the behind the wheel portioned is subsidized and is offered to students enrolled in Wake County Schools at no charge one time. There will be no refunds given for students who take a seat in class and dropout or fail. Attendance, behavior, or academic failures are all considered forfeits of your classroom fee. Should the student be allowed to retake the classroom portion, the fee must be paid again.
  • There must be a minimum of 25 students or the class will be cancelled.

Inclement Weather Policy and other School Cancellations

Lead Teacher: Susanna Langdon 

Phone: (919) 772-4877
Email: [email protected]