Phone 919-772-4877

Phone 919-662-2628


Over the past year, Jordan Driving School has held several 80-hour-training sessions, at no cost to those who participate, in a concerted effort to increase our instructor base. Driver education teachers must go through a state-mandated training program and pass both written and in-car state tests prior to application for North Carolina licensure as an instructor.


An additional 32 teachers will be on board by the end of July and pay rates have been enhanced for classroom and BTW instructors to encourage increased monthly production.


As we enter into summer break, we anticipate greater BTW completions since the hours available will be expanded: Monday through Saturday 6:30 AM -8:30 PM and 12 noon - 8:30 PM on Sundays.


Should you be interested in undertaking training to become a state licensed driver education instructor, please contact Mike Chappell at

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